Elizabeth Evans, Trainer
I’m a thirty-two year-old high-school graduate, and I’ve ridden in both the hunter/jumper and dressage disciplines since I was six years old. I got my first horse, The Little Brown Pony (the greatest first horse I could have asked for), when I was ten and never looked back. I have been active as the Assistant Trainer at Mischief Farm since I was twelve, and in more recent years have taken over as the main trainer. I discovered that show jumping was my true calling around the age of twelve after I jumped my first four foot fence.
I ride the horses in training at Mischief Farm along side giving lessons every day of the week. I also show my personal horses, as well as client horses, in the jumper divisions, and occasionally in hunter classes at all level of shows. I try to regularly attend local clinics, and have ridden with Rob Gage, Linda Allen, Jeff Cook, Liz Denny,

Melanie Smith-Taylor (inaugural USHJA Emerging Athletes Program in 2009), Will Simpson, and Anne Kursinski (2012 EAP). I am always seeking to continue my education and find clinics to be a fantastic environment to seek advice and create lasting connections.
Over the past number of years I have become more involved with the KWPN breeding community and found the Young KWPN-NA in 2017. I have spent every year since then learning all I can about breeding by attending annual general meetings, young breeder seminars, and even attending the KWPN stallion show in 's Hertogenbosch, NL. I am hoping to start my breeding program in the coming years and I am excited at the prospect of this extra chapter to my equestrian career.
Other career highlights include
Executive Team Member of Young KWPN-NA starting in 2017, and took charge in 2019
2017 International Young Breeders Championships participant on Team KWPN-NA
USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Program Ambassador
Inaugural USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Finals Participant, Zone 10 Team member and Silver Medal Winner
2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 Winner, USHJA 30-Day Horsemanship Stable Challenge for Zone 10 (the only trainer in the country to win all four years up to that point)
Sierra Canyon School Interscholastic Equestrian League Team Representative
Mischief Farm Webmaster/Site Designer and social media manager
Susan Evans, Trainer
ARIA Certified Instructor
I have the horse “gene”. Since the first time I cantered on a horse when I was seven years old (bay mare, Duchess, in the main arena at Tamarack Stables outside Washington, DC, more than (gasp!) fifty years ago), I knew there would always be horses in my life. My first horse was a palomino Quarter Horse mare that our family bought when I was nine, and she was my pride and joy. We spent countless days riding the acres of pasture where she was boarded, and I was never happier than when I was in the saddle. We soon added a Tennessee Walking horse to the mix, and our entire family was able to take turns riding. It was wonderful, and I spent my childhood at the barn.

Even after leaving for college, my passion for riding never faded, and I rode whenever I had the chance, on borrowed or leased horses—any mount I could find. I also took lessons when I could afford to, and showed here and there when I got the chance. I’ve always had a great rapport with animals, and horses in particular, so it always seemed that people new to horses would soon come to me with questions. It’s easy to see when someone looks a little lost—you can quietly give him a hint or two about how to fix his problem, and you soon become known as a good source of accurate information. All these different facets of horse knowledge and experience naturally led me into instructing others how to ride.
Due to the time and energy it takes to be a single mom, I’ve never had a very big practice, but every student I have ever taught has told me that they really understand whatever point I am trying to get across. If you don’t “get it” one way, I have one (or two or ten) other ways to help you understand the point of what I’m trying to teach. I LOVE horses and riding, so I feel very passionate about getting my students excited about learning how to ride and care for their horses. I realize that not everyone wants to have an in-depth down-to-the-chemical-level discussion about protein, saddle soap, de-wormers, or supplements (like I do), but that doesn’t mean I can’t help students understand the importance of good nutrition, tack care, and preventive maintenance. Enthusiasm and knowledge are a powerful team, and students will learn just about anything if you present it in a fun and informative way. That is how I like to teach.
Our Philosophy
We believe in the “win – win” philosophy.
We want our riders to win, our horses to win, and our staff to win. This attitude is the most effective way to improve your riding skills and train your horse to his ultimate potential.
Here at Mischief Farm we believe that, above all else, this should be fun, for both riders and horses. We want our horses to have a well-rounded education, and to do everything expected of a well-trained horse. Every horse should be capable of going on trail, jumping (soundness permitting), doing flat work, going cross-country, and attending shows. We feel very strongly that all of our horses should have a solid base in dressage, regardless of the career they end up with. This sets them up for success, and makes them far more willing and able to do what is asked of them. The horse's physical comfort is also extremely important, as no horse can perform well if he is uncomfortable in his body or his tack. We inspect all our horses every day for health and soundness issues, and have an excellent veterinarian, farrier, and equine massage therapist available to address any problems. We also check tack fit for every ride, to ensure that the horse’s equipment will not restrict or interfere with his ability to do his job. We consider ourselves to be "conservative minimalists," and use only the basic tack necessary to ride or work our horses. We use this mentality throughout all of our training: “ask little, ask often, reward the try.”
Our riders also benefit from this approach. Whether you want to just improve your knowledge and ride the trails, or have aspirations to go the “A” show circuit route, we can help you become a more effective rider, and increase your horse/human communication skills, both on the ground and in the saddle. We start all riders with the sensible basics of dressage: a proper seat, correct body position, quiet hands, and an understanding of how to move and interact with your horse. As riding instructors, we see ourselves as your coach and cheerleader, and feel that encouragement and positive reinforcement are far more effective teaching tools than fear and intimidation. Once you are confident at the walk/ trot/canter, your future riding career is entirely up to you. Our students ride dressage, trail, cross-country, and jumpers, and many do local and rated shows. Tell us where you want to go with your horse, and we can help you get there.
Call or email for more information:
Susan Evans
(818) 325-5227
Elizabeth Evans
(818) 325-5228
You can also request more information with this form: